Tail Company TailControl ESP Web Tools

Web-based tools to update TailControl ESP32 devices in the browser.

This application will install TailControl on EarGear® devices. To get started, connect an EarGear device to your computer and hit the button:

The tool is not available because your browser does not support Web Serial. Open this page in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge instead. Ah snap, you are not allowed to use this on HTTP!

How to Use The Tool:

  1. Using Chrome or Edge, visit this page.
  2. Plug your EarGear into your computer.
  3. Click the "Connect" button.
  4. You should be prompted to select a USB port, pick your device.
    1. Click on the correct device port such that it is highlighted and the "Connect" button becomes active.
      If you are unsure which port is the correct device, look at the list before plugging in your device, then cancel the connection, plug the device in, and select the new port that wasn't previously listed.
    2. Press "Connect". (This step requires drivers, presumably you already have them if you are here though!)
    3. The "No port selected" dialog can direct you to the correct drivers, if necessary.
  5. Select "Install TailControl" from the dialog box. It should now start flashing, when it's finished you should have a flashed device!